Castellan Comparison

Here you may compare Castellan equipment sets.

Click on any castellan name or hero to see the pieces and gems that combine the set.

To make a comparison between two castellans, mark one or more castellans (using the "compare" checkbox) and then click on "compare" button. You will be able to see for each of them what would be the maximum values for each attribute when that set is upgraded to max. This will help you decide if you want to invest coins for upgrading (or if it is worth buying the set with rubies or silver/gold coins). 

Armor of the Eastern Raiders

Player v.s Player

Armor of the Eastern Raiders

90/90 castellan with 65% courtyard bonus. Very good for massive attacks that need to battle in yard.

Armor of the woodland nymphs


Armor of the woodland nymphs

Castellan with 20% defense bonus for outposts, capitals & metros. Has +25% units on wall.

Equipment of the Winged Knight

Non Player Castles

Equipment of the Winged Knight

90/90 castellan with +160% wall

Secrets Of the forest spirits

Player v.s Player

Secrets Of the forest spirits

90/90 castellan with 5 pieces set only, you may embed other gems to get more power.

Trinkets of the Everwinter Soldier

Player v.s Player

Trinkets of the Everwinter Soldier

Castellan with base of 90/90 plus 10% def. bonus & 35% courtyard bonus. Has up to 32% less fire damage.