
Hello visitors !

I'm playing goodgame Empire for the past 11 years (in International-1 server). During this time I was playing in many alliances (form the smallest to the biggest ones that actually "rules" the server). I fought in many wars (some of them last many months long) and also had the opportunity to make friends from all around the globe.

When I was novice, I was lucky to have some excellent mentors: players that knew the game Inside out (some would say: like a "walking encyclopedia"). As I was eager to learn new strategies and techniques they were very enthusiastic to share with me their knowledge.

Later on, when I become an expert myself, I started to mentor other players in every alliance that I have played in. It was very satisfying to see their progress and to have a very positive feedback. I have shared some of my knowledge with fellow players in alliances I played in, by posting articles, guides and tips in the "alliance notice board" for the benefit of all.

To be able to further share my knowledge with a wider community of players (also from other servers) I have decided to create this website. Since the game is always progressing, goodgame studios are adding more content, features and expanding the game possibilities, it is essential to my opinion to have a good place with highly professional articles, tips and other knowledge for this fantastic game.

There are some websites (not too many, to be honest) that have some information about goodgame Empire game. However, most of this information is very "technical" but they do not have knowledge that is based on "real" playing experience on playing the "Empire" game. Here I tried to focus on useful information, articles, tips that are based on my (and other friends) real experience on playing the "Empire" game.

"Spy reports" are heavily used by novice players (but not only them) to better progress with NPCs (non player targets) in all kingdoms. Since there is insufficient (or wrong) information for "Spy reports", one of my goals when building this website was also to give access to this vital information in an easy and understandable way.

One of the unique features that I thought is missing is goodgame Empire community (or other sources of information on the web) is the ability to know what would be the maximum values for a unique (red) commander & castellan set before you upgrade it (!) Many times when players win (or buy) a set, they simply spend millions of coins to upgrade the part, to realize at the end of the process  that this set is not so good as they thought at the beginning.  For this, I made a commander or castellan comparison page that will not just let you compare between different sets, but also to know the "maxed" values of it.

If you like this website and find it useful,  please share it with other player in your alliance (and other friends that play the game on other alliances or in different GGE servers) so more people can enjoy it !

I will also appropriate links to "GGE Helper" from other sites & forums that are related to the "goodgame Empire" game.